TechM VerifAI, a Comprehensive GenAI Validation Solution for Enterprises

Amplify your business with TechM VerifAI

Scale AI at speed, responsibly, with an end-to-end comprehensive framework for assessing, auditing, and certifying AI solutions across various domains and use cases, from Discovery to Development and from Production to Post-production.

About the Solution

TechM VerifAI is an industry-first solution offering a comprehensive approach to validating and verifying the outcomes of AI projects. The solution brings together a comprehensive framework, industry recognized tools and experts with niche skills.

Discovery & Pre-Development

Validate Data Quality 

Development Lifecycle

Validate and test AI models and hyperparameters in Development stage to ensure security and accuracy

Production & In-Life

Validate and tune the deployed model to ensure outputs are consistent, explainable and as per user expectations

TechM VerifAI Features

VerifAI is the result of Tech Mahindra's extensive expertise in helping market-leading GenAI product innovators and early adopters scale AI at speed.

TechM VerifAI features include:

  • Pre-built and tested 360-degree validation framework with customizable validation metrics 
  • Pre-built solutions and implementations for faster value realization
  • Microservices-based architecture and API integrations to 3rd party solutions 
  • Templatized integration into delivery frameworks to ensure easy governance

Industries Served

Our expertise spans across multiple industries from communications, media and entertainment, banking, Manufacturing, Healthcare, retail, to many more.

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