Personal Cyber Insurance | Tech Mahindra

Protection For Digitization

The rise of digital technologies brings new risks, including escalating cyber and ransomware attacks on supply chains and infrastructure. Insurers must provide innovative protection, address risk appetite, transparency, and standards, and offer tailored cyber products to safeguard digitization and mitigate these evolving risks effectively.

Safeguarding the Cyber Space

Surance is an end-to-end personal cyber insurance solution focusing on vulnerability assessment, cyber protection, and cyber insurance coverage. platform offers cyber risk assessments, safety alerts, and allows customers to purchase cyber insurance.

Analytics-Enabled Tool

It has an analytics-enabled tool that scans all devices on the connected network for cyber vulnerabilities, provides risk prevention measures, and also provides the insurance carrier with data for better pricing of personal cyber insurance coverage.


  • AI-driven cyber safety
  • Personalized threat notification
  • Proactive cyber recommendations
  • On-going home network scan

Our Frictionless, 3-in-1 Cyber Safety Solution


  • A fully operational ready-to-launch white-label solution offering Cyber protection, Insurance operations, and improved user experience
  • Dynamic risk prediction and prevention to handle dynamic, volatile risk.
  • It can integrate with Salesforce and other core systems
  • It offers a proactive scan of threat assessment, cyber protection, insurance operations, technology and analysis, and a personalized interactive user experience.

Benefits and Proof Points

  • Surance has been deployed across 3 insurance carriers in Israel and ~2 carriers in North America
  • Across 3 insurance carriers in Israel, Surance has provided ~$200K revenue, ~30K live policies, and 80% conversion as low ticket endorsement via its white-labeled mobile application
  • was recognized as one of the top Israeli Insurtech startups for 2022

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