Embracing the Future: The Convergence of Cloud and Edge Computing

Embracing the Future: The Convergence of Cloud and Edge Computing

I participated in a panel discussion at the PAN IIT Seattle conference in Washington recently, which was a day full of meaningful conversations, connections, and recognition of accomplishments of over 150+ attendees from different sectors and industries. This event supports the WHEELS Global Foundation, which is using IIT alumni and technology to enhance the lives of hundreds of millions of people in rural India.

As I joined the eminent Girish Bablani, President of Microsoft Azure, to discuss the upcoming developments in Edge computing, AI, Cloud, and the wider evolution of software engineering, I realized that we are at the brink of remarkable innovations. These developments are transforming our interaction with the digital world. The distinctiveness of this era comes from the combination of various technologies, such as Cloud computing, incredibly advanced chip-level processing, ultra-high-speed fiber-optic networking, and the cutting edge of 5G/6G wireless connectivity, all driven by advances in AI.

Below are some of my thoughts on the discussions which followed:

The Convergence of Cloud and Edge Computing

One of the most significant developments in recent times is the integration of cloud and edge computing. These technologies, with their enormous computation, storage, and networking capabilities, have become essential in our daily activities. Cloud infrastructures have been built by hyperscalers and various OEMs on a large scale and with high reliability; however, the real innovation will come with the adoption of edge technologies, which will enable powerful edge computing at a local level.

Edge computing is the process of processing data at the source where it is created, such as in a device or an IoT sensor, instead of at centralized cloud servers. This important change is driving the demand for immediate data processing and action at the edge. For example, in autonomous vehicles, edge computing processes data from sensors and cameras at their source, allowing instant decisions for safe navigation. Drones, too, use onboard processing to independently perform tasks without the need for constant cloud connectivity.

Scaling Issues in Cloud Infrastructure

With the rapid development of technology, it’s essential to address the issues that arise from expanding cloud infrastructure. The growing demand for cloud services has created a crucial need for infrastructure that is both scalable and resilient. The cloud services market, which was valued at $551.8 billion in 2021, is expected to reach $2.5 trillion by 2031. The needs for storage, computing power, and networking are growing so fast that they often surpass the ability to construct data centers in time. This gap has caused significant delays and bottlenecks in the acquisition, production, and deployment of new resources.

Another major challenge is power consumption. Data centers use a lot of energy to run and cool their equipment, which puts a strain on the current power generation methods. Building traditional power plants takes too long, and alternative energy sources like solar power are not yet stable enough to meet the increasing energy needs. Finding ways to address these power and cooling problems is crucial for the continuous improvement of cloud computing. Power and utilities companies are facing such a high demand that they cannot keep up with the capacity expansion. This explains why their stock market performance is the second best in the last two quarters of CY24, only after the silicon chip sectors.

The Evolution of Software Engineering

Software engineering has changed from just coding to solving complex problems. Modern software engineers need to see the big picture of their applications and use tools and libraries from platforms like GitHub to make development easier. This change has created DevOps, where developers handle everything in a software project—from design and development to testing, deployment, and maintenance. Software engineers have to ensure its functionality, security, and support. Automation tools and self-automated testing are essential, so engineers can focus on strategic issues instead of boring coding tasks.

Generative models, a type of artificial intelligence, are changing many industries. Many companies are working closely with AI providers to use powerful tools in their operations. Building large language models (LLMs) from scratch is very expensive, but that is not a problem. Businesses can still make basic models for specific purposes.

For example, in the banking sector, base models can be trained with transaction data to create AI solutions that fit specific needs. This focused approach greatly improves the relevance and effectiveness of AI applications in getting business insights from data.

Experimentation and Adaptation

To avoid being left behind in an industry where early adopters can benefit greatly, it is essential to actively explore new technologies. Pilot projects and early adoption have shown to be successful in using AI and other emerging technologies in organizations.

It is vital to stay up-to-date and forward-looking. Experimentation helps companies find the best ways to use these technologies for both innovation and efficiency. However, industries that produce a lot of data and have direct customer contact must transform fast to take advantage of these advancements.


To sum up, this innovation impulse is driven by the combination of edge computing, progress in AI, and the development of software engineering. By adopting these new technologies and dealing with the difficulties of expanding infrastructure, we are leading the way in this digital transformation. The future is here, and it is very thrilling to be part of the technology industry today. As we keep researching and adjusting to change, we will discover new opportunities for transforming our world in ways that are just starting to envision.


This text was edited with the assistance of an AI tool. The original content, based on Tech Mahindra's intellectual property, was created by a human author. A human editor then reviewed the AI-edited version. Tech Mahindra Ltd. retains the copyright of this document.

About the Author
dhiresh kumar
Dhiresh Kumar
Senior Vice President, Pacific Northwest Region

With a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years in the technology and retail sectors, Dhiresh is recognized as a seasoned leader. He oversees a strategic portfolio of businesses engaged in long-term partnerships with Seattle-based Hyperscalers, Platform companies, ISVs, and large enterprises. He has a reputation for guiding high-performing global teams dedicated to assisting Hi-tech and Enterprise customers in their transformation journey.More

With a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years in the technology and retail sectors, Dhiresh is recognized as a seasoned leader. He oversees a strategic portfolio of businesses engaged in long-term partnerships with Seattle-based Hyperscalers, Platform companies, ISVs, and large enterprises. He has a reputation for guiding high-performing global teams dedicated to assisting Hi-tech and Enterprise customers in their transformation journey. His diverse leadership roles include P&L ownership, managing complex large IT/engineering outsourcing deals, nurturing strategic partnerships, and fostering ecosystem development. 
