Lighting Up the Dark Side of the Moon in Enterprises | Tech Mahindra

Lighting Up the Dark Side of the Moon in Enterprises

Research shows that most strategies made to change the trajectory of an organization fail due to contributing factors like insufficient investment, lack of engagement, scoping errors, or technology silos. But the biggest reason why transformation programs underwhelm is the lack of reliable information to carry out the plan in place. Organizations are often blindsided by significant blind spots when it comes to not one or two processes but transforming the entire business ecosystem. And this is what we call the ‘dark side of the moon’.

But how can companies beat the odds and achieve their full potential? To empower businesses in their journey of building structured and optimized processes, we have partnered with Soroco to help drive successful outcomes for enterprise-scale digital transformation.

Bharat Vasudevan CCO, Tech Mahindra BPS, and Abhijit Shroff, Head of Products, Soroco, come together to talk about how artificial intelligence (AI) and interaction data is helping business leaders solve some of the most persistent business challenges – in a live session moderated by Saumar Deka, Head of Marketing, Soroco. They discuss how AI-powered digital transformation is the need of the hour and how it can take place.

The key takeaways include:

  • Mapping transformation projects to customer KPIs
  • Unlocking new possibilities with advanced automation techniques
  • Real-world examples of successful transformations

Uncovering Digital Challenges with Data Evidence

As technology trends shift and customer expectations change, an immense pressure around embracing automated digital methodologies starts building on organizations looking for continued growth and relevance. However, technical gaps, siloed tech, disparate processes, lack of expertise, and basically the lack of insight into chartering the course of transformation often make organizations fail.

Let’s understand it with this – if an organization is looking to build automation-first processes, they must ensure that all processes and technologies are aligned for a unified ecosystem and seamless operations. For example, automating customer service experiences first requires deep insights into customer journey, query routing, repetitive tasks, agent utilization, and other critical aspects. Therefore, a successful and seamless digital transformation requires having a bird-eye view of the entire organization from the digital interactions’ standpoint at an everyday basis for effective CXO and CFO-level decision-making. This is where the role of AI, interaction data, and task mining comes into play.

Navigating the Dark Side for Enterprise-Level Transformation with Tech Mahindra and Soroco

To address digital and automation challenges at an enterprise level, Tech Mahindra – a leading provider of consulting and business reengineering services and solutions – entered a strategic partnership with Soroco – the first world graph company. This collaboration is aimed at offering a state-of-the-art center of excellence (CoE) to clients across a multitude of industries and cater to business process management and managed services needs through intelligent automation, task mining, and analytics-driven transformation efforts. Soroco is the first ever work graph platform that provides near real-time insights into on-ground work. It is a database of shared digital experiences generated through everyday work happening in the organization and plays a tremendous role in enterprises’ transformation journeys.

Tech Mahindra’s integrated automation solutions are a blend of AI and automation thinking allowing them to offer business process services, including opportunity assessment, automation consulting, cost-benefit analysis, robotic process automation (RPA) roadmaps, and tool selection among others. With this partnership, the brand will be able to accelerate transformation outcomes for their clients by leveraging AI and ML- based process discovery and mining technology.

Streamlining Processes Before Making Transformation Efforts

Digital growth, predominantly automation-oriented, requires high-end technology suites, integrated systems, and organization-level changes. However, streamlining processes is what helps build a firm footing to ensure great outcomes with these transformation efforts. Talking about the need for task mining and interactions data analysis, Bharath explains, “The primary question (in automation projects) usually is – how to automate? But we are now slowly moving to a more important question – where to automate?” The idea is to become aware of the bottlenecks, sometimes even before they present themselves. And this is where task mining and AI-analytics together play a crucial role.

Abhijeet further adds, “Taking the example of how a reconciliation team works, several questions must be answered - what are the sources of friction? Is friction due to the application landscape? What is the level of back and forth between applications? How is data transported or stored? All these questions around how data interaction sets are leveraged can be answered using task mining or process intelligence.”

Delivering Impact Globally

Tech Mahindra and Soroco offer on-ground analysis of digital interactions to lead enterprise-wide digital transformation. With their advanced capabilities, they are catering to global clients across industries, including banking, manufacturing, retail & CPG, telecom, and automotive. 

Soroco’s flagship product, Scout, contributes as an integral part of Tech Mahindra’s digital transformation and automation solutions.  

Through Soroco’s task mining and process intelligence AI solution, we have been able to deliver tangible outcomes for our clients, like:

  • Reduced operational costs by 30% for a leading telecom player by identifying process standardization and automation opportunities
  • 50% faster dispute resolution between consumers and merchants for a Fortune 500 bank by reducing process variations and standardizing email communication
  • Accelerated time to value for an insurance leader by leveraging export capabilities for RPA integration, reducing implementation time by 35%

Tech Mahindra’s AI and automation capabilities combined with Soroco’s task and process mining solutions have made some amazing feats possible. You can simply write to us to understand how our advanced tech capabilities can enable true business value realization for your business -

For now, do check out the Tech Talk with Bharath Vasudevan (Tech Mahindra) and Abhijeet Shroff (Soroco) to find out how AI and interaction data can light up the dark side of moon in enterprises across global industries.

About the Author
Sribash Paul
Principal Consultant – TechM BPS Capability

Sribash has 16 years of industry experience across digital transformation and global consulting practices for multiple large services and consulting companies like TechM, TCS, Accenture, and EY. 
He has got proven experience in setting up new COE and continuous revenue streams, delivering complex digital consulting assignments, and winning large deals for BPS practices. More

Sribash has 16 years of industry experience across digital transformation and global consulting practices for multiple large services and consulting companies like TechM, TCS, Accenture, and EY. 
He has got proven experience in setting up new COE and continuous revenue streams, delivering complex digital consulting assignments, and winning large deals for BPS practices. 
In his current role with TechM BPS consulting he is responsible for the growth of BPS capability practices like process mining, task mining and process modelling across regions.
