Secured and enriched test data provisioning for a large financial organization | Tech Mahindra

Secured and enriched test data provisioning for a large financial organization

Business Overview

One of the Largest Canadian multinational investment bank and financial services company with more than 12 million customers providing personal and commercial banking, wealth management and investment services.

Customer landscapes include around 50 applications with heterogeneous data sources including SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Mainframe files.


Customer has highly integrated, sensitive and complex systems that are very crucial to their business operations and needs data provisioning to lower environments protecting sensitive data along with timely availability.

Streamlining Data Testing

  • Repetitive Time consuming Test Data Setup Process
  • Insufficient Data Refreshes and data overridden
  • Inconsistency of Data across applications / modules
  • Long waiting times because of Manual Test Data Generation
  • Meeting data compliance and regulatory requirements
  • Lack of Referential Integrity of Data
  • Inappropriate Size of Data in different environments

Strategy & Insight

Tech Mahindra defined a phase wise approach for the TDM transformation program

1. Initiation

  • Quick wins/Tactical approach - scripts/utilities based data provisioning
  • Central TDM team set-up
  • TDM process definitions for data provisioning, distribution
  • Data/ Scripts maintenance & reuse
  • Tool Fitment analysis and selection

2. Evaluation

  • Landscape assessment- Application, Database, Environment, Infrastructure, Compliance
  • Test data refresh assessment - Refresh/ creation using TDM tool
  • Test Data Strategy strategic solution
  • Pilot execution for critical flows & evaluation
  • Implementation plan & Roadmap

3. Implementation

  • TDM environment build - Infrastructure readiness, tools set-up
  • TDM scope & services finalisation
  • TDM roll-out - Demand, Design, Build, Provision
  • Application onboarding phase-wise
  • TDM realisation & acceptance

4. Steady State

  • Operating Model adoption
  • Test Data enhancements & maintenance
  • Self Service enablement
  • Measure. Monitor & report
  • Process improvements, Feedback
  • Training & Support


After a detailed assessment and evaluation of the customer requirements and technology landscapes, TechM proposed the solution approach for TDM implementation

Implementation Highlights

  • Identified the key tables and the associated child and reference tables to maintain application context
  • Installed and configured CA Data maker components, Fast Data Masker, TDM portal, repository
  • Creation of connection profiles for source and target systems, projects and register objects
  • Discovery of sensitive data using CA TDM portal discovery
  • Creation of data groups, data sets and data pools for subset extract definitions by defining automated queries and data models with driving, PK/FK, reference and standalone tables
  • Transformation maps with masking functions defined for the sensitive attributes
  • Creation of self-service catalog forms to search and generate test data
  • Orchestration workflows set-up in CA TDM portal and adding to Generators for publishing to target environments
  • Establishment of TDM service catalogs with standardized requests for TDM services
  • Building of test data warehouse to maintain gold copy versions
  • Facilitate faster refresh of test data on demand and re-use data across environments
  • Accelerate data refresh with right sized data – subset, mask, test matching, synthetic data creation
  • Centralized TDM work force with defined operational model to manage teams test data needs
  • Define and adopt processes for test data request, data distribution, data storage & maintenance
  • Robust governance model with defined metrics and driven by measurements
  • Training and end user support


Test Data Management Consulting
Test Data Management Assessment
CA TDM Tool Setup
TDM Pilot Implementation
Phased TDM Implementation
Automated TDM Platform
TDMaaS Offering Establishment
TDM Data Governance

TechM Advantage

  • Extensive expertise in implementing high quality Data archiving & Test Data Management solutions meeting customer business needs and regulatory timelines.
  • Experience in delivering value based solutions to customers in Banking and financial services domain by adopting best practices and defining TDM framework with ability to plug new data sources easily and scalable enterprise wide.

Business Benefits

Accelerated Time-to-Market

Improved delivery speed by 35% resulting in faster time to market

Enhanced System Quality

Improved quality of the systems by 40%

Efficient, Lean, Quality

Reduced costs by 50% with fewer defects, optimal efforts and less storage needs

Secure Compliance

Reduced risk to compliance by 80% with Zero security breaches

Impact & Highlights

Agile Test Data

Reduced overall cycle times with supply of test data rapidly by automation and self-service, defects identified early in the testing phase with appropriate test data set-up and resulted in shorter testing cycles with less rework

Secure Data Handling

Compliance with data privacy regulations by discovering sensitive fields and applying masking on PII, PCI data there by reducing risks to security breaches

Robust Test Coverage

Improved test coverage by 40% with efficient subsets creation covering various data conditions

Effortless Data Management

Minimized required labor by 42% with automated process for data refresh and self-service enablement

Slicing for Efficiency

40% reduction in test environment storage requirements achieved by slicing and creating smaller datasets matching test requirements