Future Trends in AI Operations: Exploring the New Frontier of IT Operations Management

Future Trends in AI Operations: Exploring the New Frontier of IT Operations Management

IT operations management (ITOM) has undergone significant changes in recent years, with artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront. Artificial intelligence-driven IT operations, or AI Ops, are changing the way IT teams manage and optimize operations. As we move forward, AI Ops will become more prevalent, allowing IT teams to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

AIOps leverages the leading OEM platform for monitoring and automation of IT infrastructure. This allows our customers to optimize and consolidate their monitoring equipment, achieve comprehensive service visibility in an integrated environment and work together collaboratively and efficiently. The combination of TechM and joint venture partners allows our customers to benefit from TechM's global delivery model, innovative capabilities, deep business technical expertise, best-in-class equipment and professional team and deliver differentiated value to customers.

Navigating the Present: Key Trends Shaping IT Operations Today

The service vision is not limited to infrastructure and application maintenance, our customers now need "maintenance" that integrates network, security, infrastructure creation, usage, information, and business. Large companies are looking for ways to consolidate their tools under one umbrella to bring all tools into a single management platform, handle relationships and recover from situations, reduce noise, and provide alerting plans. This integration increases employee productivity and efficiency and improves user experience. Given the complexity of the IT environment, a centralized, service-oriented view is essential for effective IT operations.

Looking Ahead: AIOps Breakthroughs Transforming the IT Industry

IT operations management will see significant changes as AI operations continue to advance. More advanced and automated solutions are required due to the increasing complexity of IT environments brought about by the quick uptake of cloud, edge, and Internet of Things technologies. Businesses are searching for more and more for methods to improve productivity, anticipate and avoid problems, and smoothly incorporate new technologies into their IT ecosystems. The future trends in this rapidly evolving field will be driven by the next wave of AI Ops advancements, which are set to begin in this context.

IT Resources, Services, and Applications: This will allow IT teams to focus on initiatives while AI operates on a daily basis, ensuring efficiency, security and productivity. This will also support the IT team to detect and resolve issues before they impact the business. 

Predictive Analytics and AI-driven Insights: AI will analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and provide insights, allowing IT teams to make informed decisions and increase business success. 

Integration with Emerging Technologies: Integration of new technologies such as edge computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). This integration will enable IT teams to manage complex, distributed environments and achieve new levels of efficiency, scalability and innovation. 

AI-Powered IT Service Management: Solutions to transform IT service management (ITSM) management and issue management. ITSM, supported by artificial intelligence, will provide personalized customer experiences, faster resolution times and better service. IT teams need to work closely with AI systems to ensure effective IT management. 

Human-AI Collaboration: The collaboration will leverage human and artificial intelligence to support better decision-making, increase efficiency and enhance innovation. This is becoming increasingly important as IT teams need to understand the decision-making processes of AI systems.

Explainable AI and Transparency: XAI will provide transparency, accountability, and trust for AI-driven IT operations, allowing IT teams to trust AI systems when making critical decisions. The team has the ability to bring efficiency, productivity and innovation to a new level.


As we progress, AI operations will become more autonomous, more predictable, and integrated with other new technologies. IT teams must embrace these trends and work with AI systems to increase business success and stay ahead of the competition. The future of AI Ops is truly exciting. At TechM, we have a well-established ESM Tools practice that focuses on solving customer problems with comprehensive solutions and end-to-end delivery

About the Author
Veeral Oza
Veeral Oza
Practice Head – ESM Tools, Tech Mahindra

Veeral Oza heads the enterprise tools practice portfolio covering ITSM, ITOM, APM, and workload automation. He is IIM Indore alumnus and has 20 years of work experience with subject matter expertise in providing solutions for large digital transformation projects, IT services management (ITSM), IT operations management (ITOM), AIOPs, and multi-cloud automation.More

Veeral Oza heads the enterprise tools practice portfolio covering ITSM, ITOM, APM, and workload automation. He is IIM Indore alumnus and has 20 years of work experience with subject matter expertise in providing solutions for large digital transformation projects, IT services management (ITSM), IT operations management (ITOM), AIOPs, and multi-cloud automation. He has strong experience in implementing tools solutions in telco, BFSI, aeronautics, telecom, health and life sciences business domains.
