HT NEXT 2019: When Omni-channel isn’t enough – Guests expect near Omniscience and Omnipresence | Tech Mahindra

HT NEXT 2019: When Omni-channel isn’t enough – Guests expect near Omniscience and Omnipresence

In today’s hyper-connected digital world, Hoteliers are increasingly adopting newer and better technologies to drive digital guest engagement, empower staff and optimize operational efficiencies, which increases profitability and opens new revenue generation opportunities. The dynamics of digital business dictate that “he or she who has the best eco-system wins” – to that end we’ve invested heavily, and because of it we’ve been recognized as a Leader across 6 quadrants of ISG’s Provider Lens™ Digital Business Transformation Global Report for 2019 and as the leading non-US company on Forbes’ Digital 100 List.

Our customers look to us for cutting-edge technology, innovation practices and dedicated Centers of Excellence (CoEs) to address business problems using the power of Digital, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Big Data & Analytics, Application and Infrastructure Modernization. Tech Mahindra has helped many customers benefit from over a decade of experience driving hospitality industry transformation.

To learn more about the event & participate, please visit HT-NEXT 2019

Event Details


Monday, 08 April 2019
