Ways of Working | Tech Mahindra

Ways of Working

Business Overview

The client, whose primary digital channel is supported by our platform, aimed to enhance their digital presence and optimize their delivery capabilities with a focus on improving their operating model to overcome delivery challenges.

Business Challenge

The complex monolithic platform that supports a key primary Digital Channel for one of our clients. The platform had multiple sources of project demand, a workforce that was project managed with stop-start delivery, legacy ways of working and project-driven.

Approach & Solutions

Our team were engaged to uplift the platform delivery model. Key focus areas were:

Optimized Operating Model

Development of an enhanced operating model (supported by complemented Workforce Management planning).

Continuous Delivery Transformation

Cadence-driven planning & delivery, capacity-based funding model and platform-led delivery (moving away from stop-start project mindsets).

Empowered Team Ownership

A focus on team norms and ways of working to empower the teams to own their outcomes.

Agile Delivery Transparency

Transparency of delivery through cadence, real-time informed reporting and business benefits lead to decision making.

Business Benefit

Integrated Strategic Alignment

Aligned business-technology decision-making (not entirely project management led)

Optimized Delivery Performance

A measured throughput in delivery 25% uplift

Boosted Team Morale

Increased team engagement trending positive from a negative engagement score (despite the technology stack & complexity)

Accelerated Release Cycle

Increased frequency of releases to market