Performance Assurance for Tier-1 Telematics Customer in North America | Tech Mahindra

Performance Assurance for Tier-1 Telematics Customer in North America


The company is a leader in providing telematics and automotive technology solutions and is currently implementing next-generation connected services for the automobile industry. They aim to create intelligent and more meaningful business connections by enabling the Internet of Things. 


The project faced challenges with architecture complexity, environment readiness, validation of non-functional requirements, unpredictable demand, and skills across the Oracle stack and other B/OSS components.

Strategy & Approach

Performance Engineering Services

Performance engineering services like Peak load tests, Java, Kafka performance analysis & tuning, and Database performance analysis & tuning.

Testing Performance

Performed tests on Scalability, Endurance, Performance, Validation, API Gateway, and more on precise insights of the client. 

Identifying Kafka Issues

Kafka issues identified like broker going down, OOM due to Kafka not consuming the messages, and issues with producer, actor, and consumers.

Impact & Highlights

Performance Results

  • Improved the TPS by around 80% with the help of performance testing/tuning.
  • Response time improvement by more than 35% for critical transactions.
  • Executed more than 25 rounds of execution and improved the orders processing capacity by more than 400% (from 477 to 2000).
  • Kafka tuning recommendations were provided and, in turn, improved the overall throughput with a single container from 400 - 700 TPS
  • E2E response time for processing the order was brought down from 312 seconds to 132 seconds.

Technical Benefits

  • Provided value add to the customer by setting up robust performance tool infrastructure, which is being used for different projects at the enterprise level
  • JVM Heap, GC health fine-tuning recommendations, worker threads usage, JVM Opts
  • Hardware utilisation monitoring(OS, Disk)
  • Oracle AIA, JVM Heap, GC health fine-tuning recommendations, thread usage, Load balancing