Co-Innovation with BT- Quantum Encryption Makers Lab | Tech Mahindra

Co-Innovation with BT- Quantum Encryption Makers Lab

  • TechM is collaborating with Q-Labs, BT and the Quantum Forum (including University of Cambridge and University of York) to deliver QKD applications across the 120km 500 Gbps ultra-fast network in East Anglia.
  • TechM is delivering a video-based end user application which uses the Q-Labs Q-Crypt platform to secure QKD over the BT 500Gbps.
  • Encryption keys formed out of a stream of single photons.
  • Photons carry keys via phase / polarization / position modulation.
  • Key is refreshed constantly.
  • Impossible to hack into the key during transmission.

QuintessenceLabs, Tech Mahindra and BT Develop an End-to-End Video Messaging Solution Secured by Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) READ MORE

