Discrete Manufacturing | Tech Mahindra

Enabling Factories of the Future

Our discrete manufacturing vertical develops solutions for manufacturers of industrial products and automation, heavy machinery, and consumer appliances. We innovate solutions that enhance the complete product development lifecycle, focusing on digital manufacturing, industrial engineering, value engineering, process automation, and supply chain transformation. 

Our Services

Smart Products

Tech Mahindra enables manufacturers to develop smart products through connected assets (motors turbines), software product engineering, and closed-loop product quality systems. We also act as an extension of clients’ R&D teams, strengthening product development processes and redefining IT infrastructure.

Factory of the Future

The Factory of the Future leverages automation and robotics, industry-leading quality control, flexible manufacturing, reduced time-to-market, and higher visibility across enterprise applications such as MES, SCM, and ERP systems. Throughout our FoF portfolio, we’ve helped manufacturers define, achieve, and exceed their KPIs, meeting both business IT and operational tech requirements within reliable, integrated platforms.

Supply Chain

The demand for efficient supply chains is unprecedented, so we invest heavily in this practice for the manufacturing sector. To achieve best-in-class results for our clients, we specialize in various digital technologies that help manufacturers with intelligent automation, prescriptive analytics, and digital twin software, among many more solutions.

Customer Experience

We approach experience design as a way to turn customers into life-long brand advocates. At Tech Mahindra, we bring together industry-leading creative experts to design experiences that anticipate customers’ needs throughout each stage of their purchasing journeys.


Technical innovation can position your aftermarket sales as a reliable revenue generator on par or even exceeding equipment sales.  As B2B customers upgrade their expectations to consumer-grade experiences, we give manufacturers the tools and resources to predict demand, strategize pricing, and optimize their service delivery models. We provide an end-to-end platform for digitizing the entire aftermarket value chain.

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