Digital Integrated Platform for Card Management | Tech Mahindra

Enabling the Future of Digitized Banking

Tech Mahindra’s card practice has been a key focus since 1999, generating 20% of banking revenues. We have grown exponentially with the market and changes across the software industry. This helps us understand the growth path in taking a business globally and how our customers maintain and migrate legacy platforms to forward-looking platforms with the digitization of payments and cross-border commerce.


Our Focus

For banks and financial institutions that issue cards as payment methods, we center our practice on the following: 

  • Platform transformation solutions enable payment participants to move from legacy solutions to new-age platforms, manage business dynamics, and attain competitive advantage.
  • Digital payment solutions provide frictionless payments to customers and merchants.
  • End-to-end card issuing.
  • Payments straight-through processing capabilities to drive cost efficiencies and economies of scale.
  • Innovation in payments to drive customer behavior.
  • Enabling payment engines to cater to a faster go-to-market.

Our Services

Omnichannel Processing

Tech Mahindra offers payment services across multiple channels with channel-aware and channel-agnostic processing capabilities. Our services extend to IVR, kiosks, ATM, POS, tablets, internet, and mobile-based payments, delivering a seamless experience to the customer.

Issuing platforms

Tech Mahindra’s card issuing platform enables issuers to streamline and consolidate their solution infrastructure, allowing them to onboard and retain existing customers with diverse product offerings. This platform is a complete end-to-end e-payment processing solution with a set of functional modules that can be configured to the specific needs of financial institutions.

Merchant Acquiring Platform

Tech Mahindra provides a comprehensive merchant management platform that enables tailored solutions for merchants, from onboarding, underwriting, account management, fees and commissions, clearing, and settlement to billing, payments, and account management.

Switching and Authorization

Tech Mahindra helps customers implement and manage the authorization and routing of payment transactions across all channels for all types of products.

Payment Gateway Integration

Tech Mahindra has helped customers in many industries to integrate payment gateways and offer collection services on multiple payment instruments, including traditional card acceptance to alternative payments like eWallets, online banking technology, and more.

Cards Legacy Transformation

Card participants (issuers/acquirers/payment networks) use a combination of in-house and commercial off-the-shelf solutions (COTS) coupled with customizations. Tech Mahindra helps payment participants move from legacy platforms to new-age platforms built on open technology—a highly flexible, hardware-agnostic approach.  

Card Issuing and Acquiring Business Solution Testing Framework

We have extensive experience providing verification and validation services for complex platform transformation, version upgrades or customization, and integration testing services. Our domain experts bring industry process knowledge to the testing approach that reduces risk by incorporating all the positive and negative test scenarios. 

Loyalty Management System

Retention is a top priority for financial institutions, and loyalty offerings play a critical role in attracting and retaining valuable customers. Our loyalty solution enables payment participants to manage loyalty programs across the enterprise. This solution covers everything from earning to redemption. We use AI and ML-based capabilities to help payment participants analyze and build strategies.

Financial Crime Prevention Framework

Financial institutions face a daunting challenge in preventing fraud. Banks face regulatory issues and multi-million-dollar penalties for not providing foolproof solutions that comply with the rules and regulations. Our financial crime prevention framework helps banks meet compliance and regulations and offers multi-factor fraud prevention solutions. 

Facial Authentication and Authorization/Biometric Authentication

Facial authentication payments are among the latest trends. China has been an early adopter of this technology—no cash, cards, wallets, or smartphones. Instead, you pay by posing in front of a point-of-sale (POS) machine equipped with a camera. Tech Mahindra and its global partners offer facial authentication to assist banks with preventing fraud.

Digital Integrated Platform for Card Management

Corporate cards are a key focus area for banks. Most SMEs must go through processes to manage card issuance for their employees and the entire expense management suite. Tech Mahindra has a simple, intuitive solution for card management that helps banks differentiate their offerings from the competition.

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