Sustainability: Leading with Purpose | Tech Mahindra

Leading with Purpose

We are committed to pursuing ‘Purpose Beyond Profits’ by embedding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into our core strategy while balancing sustainability and overall profitability. By combining these efforts, we’re helping ensure a healthier planet for all of us and providing greater value for our shareholders.

As an organization with a global footprint,
Tech Mahindra is committed to promoting sustainability in all that we do.

Our Vision

We remain among the top five IT service providers worldwide and maintain our role within India as a leader in sustainability.

  • We focus on enhancing eco-friendly operations
  • We lead sustainability transformation through process improvements, innovation, and disruption
  • We focus on responsible business growth
  • We aim to be rated amongst the top brands to work for

Leadership Commitment

"Today, there is no distinction between what you do for profit and how you drive positive change. The more you drive positive change, the more enhanced is your business model."
Anand G. Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra Group
Mohit Joshi
"The urgency of achieving sustainability has never been more apparent in today's modern, complex world. This is not just a goal; it's about fostering resilience and demonstrating an unwavering commitment to building a better world. At Tech Mahindra, the fusion of innovation, responsible growth, and environmental stewardship lies at the core of our ethos. We remain dedicated to pioneering solutions and shaping a future where business and sustainability go hand in hand for the benefit of our planet and all its inhabitants."
Mohit Joshi, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Tech Mahindra
Sandeep Chandna
"We have made sustainability the fulcrum of all our activities. We believe that with ESG principles built into our core strategy and concerted efforts towards building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering innovation while also improving operational efficiency, are helping us in mitigating risks, driving profitable growth and creating a positive societal impact."
Sandeep Chandna, Chief Sustainability Officer, Tech Mahindra

Leading the Way

We are leading the way by leveraging technology that our customers to monitor, measure, improve, and achieve the desired business outcomes sustainably.

Sustainability Thought

Sustainability (ESG) Offerings

Our sustainable solutions, driven by new-age technologies and decades of experience, help transform your business model into a greener, better organization.

Leading the Change

From reducing energy use and emissions to investing in renewable energy, we are proud of our efforts to create a healthier world and a brighter future for all.

Climate Change

  • Carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2035.
  • Reduced 40% of scope 1+2 GHG emissions against base year 2016.
  • Planted 92000+ trees till 2023.
  • Saved 10,000+ MTCO2e through the installation of smart LEDs, motion sensors, and energy-efficient equipment.

The Solar Way

  • Increased RE mix to 50% by 2025 and 90% by 2030.
  • Installed solar plants at 11 of our facilities and increased renewable energy sourcing through PPAs at Bengaluru, Noida, and Pune.

Carbon Price

  • Implemented internal carbon price of USD 13/ MTCO2e to boost green investments.

Circular Economy

  • Certified 100% of owned facilities for zero waste to landfill by 2026.
  • Recycled 22% of our food waste to manure through organic waste converters and vermicomposting units in 2023.
  • Recycled/reused/sold 71.12% of total waste generated in 2023.

Water Stewardship

  • Recycled and reused more than 200 million liters of wastewater in 2023.
  • Recharged 3.06 million liters of groundwater level by rainwater harvesting plants in 2023.

Sustainable Infra

  • EMS ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 certified facilities.
  • LEED and green building certification for more than 3.7 million sq.ft.

Wonder Women

  • Ensured 34% of our women workforce and 10.22% of our women in senior management in 2023.
  • Ensured 40% women representation in the Board.

Sustainable Value Chain

  • 2 supplier capacity building workshops on sustainable sourcing every year.
  • 142 of our top 200 key suppliers are assessed on various ESG parameters.

Being Proactive

  • Green Marshals clocked 1170 volunteer hours in 2023.
  • CSR and ISR clocked 58,680+ volunteer hours in 2023.

Making Headlines


Tech Mahindra Receives Terra Carta Seal for Our Commitment to Sustainability

First Indian company in the world to have been awarded the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Terra Carta Seal


Tech Mahindra's Sandeep Chandna on Sustainable Profitability

How sustainability can be profitable or cost-saving


Demonstrating Business Value of Sustainability

Growing interest in long-term investment opportunities and ESG integration


Using AI to Fast-Track Climate Goal

How generative AI can simplify ESG reporting and more

Leading the Way

Sustainability Magazine

Climate change is not a future problem


Tech Mahindra Joins the 1.5C Supply Chain Leaders

Commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across value chain


Tech Mahindra Goes Plastic-Free Globally

With our 'Don't Be Plastic" campaign

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